Many individuals avoid going to the dentist for quite a long time because of fear, financial constraints, or the conviction that their teeth are looking great. Whatever the cause, going to the dentist two times every year will help both you and your smile. In the event that it's been quite a while since you've seen the dentist, this rundown of the "Top 10 Reasons to See a Dentist" may be exactly what you want to get you motivated to start caring for yourself better. • The state of your teeth has an outcome on your whole health. The quality of an individual's teeth and their overall wellness are inextricably connected. The quality of your teeth and gums affects each activity in your body, including the circulatory, stomach related, regenerative, and respiratory frameworks. Taking care of your dental health can forestall serious health issues. • To Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem Your smile is the most noticeable feature of your face and plays a significan...